Tuesday 16 October 2012

Beautiful Blue Betta Fish

The consistent, solid royal blue is the choice form: the genotype Blbl or blBl gives a deep, rich royal blue in the green/steel blue/royal blue complex.  The most common form has a dark head and royal blue body and fins.  The ideal colour lacks reds and greens.

Betta Fish Halfmoon Fancy Orange

This funny-looking betta has bright orange dot, or apricot, finnage with black trim along their edges. His body is covered by blue scales. His face has a touch of bright white color which makes him very unique especially when you see him at the front view.

Betta Gold Halfmoon

What Are Half Moon Bettas?

The halfmoon is a Betta splendens variety with a semi circular tail. These bettas may not appear to have this shaped tail at first but when it is held completely erect it should have a 180 degree angle. The actual length of the tail can vary but should be as rounded and even as possible to be considered a good quality betta halfmoon.

This is a fairly new betta splendens variety. The halfmoon betta has only really become widely available in the last decade. A visit to a well stocked store or online fish dealer will reveal a range of colors and patterns all available with the halfmoon tail.

source : http://www.squidoo.com/halfmoon-bettas

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